Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lily by Diego Candia

Isn't she sweet? Love this girl. Love her.

Diego is amazing. This is another one of those "Oh, my gosh, Diego, don't change anything" type pictures. I swear the man can see inside my head.

Anyways, here is your second piece of artwork for the month. Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. Saint says Buon Natale to you. He says he hopes La Befana brings you lots of loot.

Have part three of Ellie's story on the way, as well as a regular post later this week. Stay tuned.


Evelyn said...

I wonder what she's got behind her back... her expression kind of reminds me of when Luis and Saint were both pleading for cookie dough- maybe a spoon or something to whack them with? ^~^ Happy Holidays! :D

~Evelyn x)

Ellie said...

Thank you!!!! It looks jut like I thougt!!!! I love it! Merry Christmas!!!!

'gina said...

Merry Christmas to you both, too!

At this point, yeah, I'd worry what she's got behind her back, too, if I was Saint! :-DDD

Glad you like the pic!