Friday, July 28, 2006

Maps and Reference Pictures

Fiona's Garden Between the House and the Kitchen

Layout of the Green River Station Yard

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Ambrotype Gallery by Gina

Deputy Blackie Shannon

Fiona Lewis-Smythe

Peter "Saint" Bari
Rob Yarl

Iris Sullivan
Hezekiah Stone
Francis Devereaux
Richard Galloway, Esquire

Wash Monahan

Still Water Woman

Page 2 Abrotypes by 'gina

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Page 2 'gina's Ambrotypes

Eagle Bone

Jesse Joe Hanson
Jon "Hellbender" Hungerford

Lily McMillian

Lights the Storm Pelteir
Runs Laughing